The home of Applied Metaphysics
Newbury, Berkshire UK kinesiology@hotmail.co.uk 07968 740550
Metaphysics is the study of the true nature of reality, existence, and who we really are. Reality is how we perceive our physical life experience. If we do not perceive correctly, we cannot make the proper decisions and take the proper actions to ensure our survival and success. How we perceive the world, and our existence within it, has a bearing on which genes are going to be activated, and modifies the read out to make proteins that best fit the environmental circumstances at the time. Perception and belief are the primary mechanisms that control our biology. Our perceptions run our genes, but not all perceptions are true. Misperceptions can miss run our genes. False beliefs can have a similar effect. Misperceptions and false beliefs are interpretations of the world that are inaccurate. Inaccurate perceptions and beliefs will inaccurately run our biology which will lead to dysfunctions and disease, which is why thought becomes a prominent contributor to the state of health we express.
Metaphysics is the title of a book written by Greek Philosopher Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC). Aristotle called his work "First Philosophy"; thoughts on the nature of being. The book was renamed "Metaphysics" or literally "after the physics" when it was published together with, and placed after, Aristotle's works on nature or "the physical". Metaphysics - the study of the true nature of reality - forms the basis from which we perceive and give meaning to our world. As such, how we understand metaphysics forms the foundation for all other philosophical studies, and how we apply our resulting belief systems to our lives. The basic nature of the body, the mind, our emotions and how we perceive the physical world can now be measured and observed using instruments and technology that could not be imagined in Aristotle's time (or Kant, or Hume, or any of the other big names in philosophy).
Applied metaphysics can lead to better results in any area of life you choose. That's because metaphysical principles operate at a deeper level of awareness than what we previously perceived as purely "physical". In this sense kinesiology (and especially the PKP/Kinesiopractic approach) taps into this deeper level. It could be said that a PKP practitioner 'applies' metaphysical principles to health and wellbeing by facilitating change in the human psyche, and in so doing illness can have no place in the human body or mind. By 'upgrading' the systems that make human beings who they are they function at their highest level of efficiency. This can also lead to developing intuition, receiving inner guidance or inspiration, experiencing inner peace, and improving performance in all areas of life. This happens on all levels of function - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Bruce Lipton PHD has remarkable insights into how beliefs and perceptions run our genes. As he states: "Just like a single cell, the character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by our responses to environmental signals. Your perspective [about these environmental signals] is always limited by how much you know and what you believe. So.....expand your knowledge and you will transform your beliefs, your genes and ultimately your health."
How you perceive, and what you believe about yourself and the world you live in shapes how you think, feel and act. Learning and applying basic metaphysical techniques to your life will have an impact upon how you perceive yourself and the world - giving you very real and practical results!
~~ Metaphysics by Aristotle~~: Read it online here...